Geology View Key

TB: Torbay Breccia Formation
Breccis & Sandstone Interbedded
SC: Saltern Cove Formation
Mudstone, Siltstone and Limestone, Breccia
BxL: Brixham Limestone Formation
Lime stone
NO: Nordon Formation
TqyL: Torquay Limestone Formation
Limestone & Mudstone Interbedded
AV: Ashprington Volcanic Formation
Basaltic Lava & Basaltic Tuff
Wat: Watcombe Formation
Slitstone, Mudstone, Sandstone, Breccia

Mdt: Meadfoot Group
Mudstone, Siltstone & Sandstone
DhL: Daddyhole Member
Limestone, Fossiliferous
BHL: Berry Head Member
Limestone, Calcareous Mudstone
SMB: St Mary's Bay Member
Mudstone, Interbedded Limestone
Dit: Dittisham Member
Basaltic Lava & Basaltic Tuff
ZB: Intrusive and Extrusive
Igneous Rocks: Basic Tuff
Marine and Costal Deposits,
Clay, Sand and Gravel
Never seen a geology map before?

The geology of the Geopark is very complex which is reflected in this geological overlay but just a few bits of information will help you to understand it.

The different colour areas relate to different rocks types of different ages. A simple key to these rock types is provided but speaking very generally most of the grey, blueish and brown colour areas are of Devonian Age (between approx. 419 to 359 million years old) and the brighter orangey reds are younger rocks of Permian age (between approx. 299 to 252 million years old). All of these are what are called sedimentary rocks but we do also have some areas of igneous rock and these are coloured bright pink or orange with pink spots on the map.
The black lines that crisscross all over the map are fault lines created by huge pressures causing the rock to fracture and shift.

If this sparks your interest and you would like to look at the geology in more detail then please do visit:
Geology of Britain viewer | British Geological Survey (BGS)
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